Wednesday, October 19, 2011


When is right right? How far are you willing to go to stay true to yourself? To never waiver from personal values, even when no one else is looking.  To never quit, I mean never, not even for a second. To follow your charted course even when self-doubt is more deafening than self-confidence.

Three years ago I witnessed first-hand the pervasive power of big business. I watched while one of our client's (and friend) was crushed by one of the United States' largest banks. In one fell swoop and for no apparent reason they destroyed everything he worked for. And, then for good measure, they did all they could to defame him. 

For two months prior, our client was on every national TV show. CBS Morning Show said, "You are all America needs."  FOX called him "An innovator." These are a couple of many. Then, they pulled the plug.  So why would this bank seek to destroy this man? We are still not sure and maybe that question will never be answered. However, the ferocity in which they attacked him was stellar, without feeling and without debate. The bank unleashed a cloud of deception that was deft, allowing questionable thoughts to seep in; even to those closest to him.

The bank had perception on their side and they were positive they held the chips. It's so much easier to believe big over little, established over new, successful over start-up, boss over employee.

This was one of the United States' largest banks, so reputation was on their side. I mean banks are flawless and have never been shown to work beyond the bounds of propriety, right?

Your Honor, I need to strike that last statement on the account the courtroom is filled with uncontrollable laughter. 

When is right right? How far are you willing to go to stay true to yourself? To never waiver from personal values, even when no one else is looking.  To never quit, I mean never, not even for a second. To follow your charted course even when self-doubt is more deafening than self-confidence.

For three years he never quit, never changed his story. For three years he worked tirelessly to defend himself, no matter the professional and personal struggle AND there were many. Loss of all money, some friends, relationships, and an open heart surgery. That was the easy stuff. The internal struggles were even greater.

Having everyone tell you to just give up, move on, lick your wounds and fight another day, may have appeared as fruitful advise, but to him, it created further feeling of isolation. Conversely it also provided a sense of resolve, knowing the same character traits required to be a visionary in the first place would need to be applied if truth would prevail.

Fighting for justice can be parallel to living in a silo of emotional solitary confinement. A breaking point is always nearing. Yet, he never broke.

At the start of the trial the air was thick with greed, smugness and the pious veil facade of those who normally hide in ivory towers. However, after day one it became evident that one of the United States' largest bank’s equivalent of kryptonite was going to be "truth" itself.

Wait, banks aren't flawless? They have been shown to work beyond the bounds of propriety? They took money from TARP and then still doled out huge bonuses while the American people turned into Oliver Twist, begging for "More Gruel, Please, Sir." 

Lawyer: Your Honor, we object.

Judge:  On what grounds?

Lawyer: The truth really hurts.

This week my client and friend WON and defeated one of United State’s largest banks. This was not just a victory for himself and his company, but for all of us. That's not hyperbole.

Where would we be if we never questioned authority? If we sat idly by while known injustice was rampant? We are better today, because of the actions of this man.

When is right right? How far are you willing to go to stay true to yourself? To never waiver from personal values, even when no one else is looking.  To never quit, I mean never, not even for a second. To follow your charted course even when self-doubt is more deafening than self-confidence.


Gregory Salsburg
Miami | New York | London
c: (561) 386-8064
o: (305) 407-1723

Monday, October 3, 2011

Facebook Finale III

Last week was a world wind – no time to blog, barely time to choose between which Italian bespoke threads and killer socks to don.

With the traveling to and fro on sleek G6's emblazoned with logos of my gracious hosts, popping the bottles of Ace of Spades, making it rain and putting Range in the Rovers, tapping out my infamous prose was feeling trite. Plus my posting on for a ghost writer with uncanny wit and erudite synapse went unanswered, leaving my broad shoulders to weather the storm once again.

By now you know this blog is read by a ton. For many it's a faithful ritual, for others a rite of passage. What started as a lark and a sea of sarcasm and cynicism now provides riches in excess of the GNP of Guam.

It's influence has also grown, but in truth, until two weeks ago I didn't realize how much. That was until my two posts about my immediate departure from Facebook were unleashed. On September 14th a FedEx truck arrived at Chez Salsburg delivering a large box. Curiosity peaked and I diligently cut into the cardboard and pulled out its contents: a singular blue hoodie and a note reading "I can't live, if living is without you. Sincerely MZ."

Sure, my first thought was, do you think this person is quoting the Badfinger or Mariah Carey version? And, which one makes me feel most uncomfortable? And, why are there ketchup stains on this sweatshirt?

Back to the note - it had an email address and phone number both marked CONFIDENTIAL. Upon dialing a voice picked up the other end before it even rang and said, "Greg is that you? Please come back. I can change."

I attempted to explain myself, while fawning excitement that I was speaking to an entrepreneurial behemoth. Not to mention the last and only reason Jessie Eisenberg will be relevant. He insisted I be flown to Menlo Park, CA to meet face to face, I succumbed.

35,000 feet in the air and somewhere over Dubuque, I checked my emails. One marked urgent caught my eye. Subject: Brewskies with the Ruskies. It went on to read: Greg, as you know we subscribed to your blog after reading about it on Techcrunch. Obviously we hate Facebook too and MZ’s fashion choices make us sick. Our new system Google+ is doing well but we can use your input. Let's bring you to Mountain View, we promise to make it worth your while. Peace, Sergey and Larry.

Look, I've signed so many confidentiality agreements I am not sure I still even own my children. However, I do know that I cannot reveal what took place in those meetings but it was even better than you're thinking. (I may need to lawyer up just for sharing the above.)

With that said, by now you have probably read about the alterations that were unveiled the past few weeks at these companies respectfully. They're not perfect. Change is not a destination, it takes time, and although I'm still not picking sides as of yet I think progress is being made.

As your weekly fearless leader I will continue to defend us all. There is no challenge too great for me to tackle upon your behalf. That is, if I can get my newfound entourage to bring me a painkiller for this massive Champagne hangover.


Gregory Salsburg
Miami | New York | London
c: (561) 386-8064
o: (305) 407-1723