The gag order has been lifted, my vibrant prose no longer required to be heard solely by the numerous personalities running amok inside my head. (Somehow each with their own neuroses.)
My buds, Sergey and Larry continue to maintain technological dominance, and, as I predicted in our meetings, Facebook is showing the chinks in the armor of a pedestrian utility. Who could have imagined that a company that solves the needs of billions of people daily, built on a vibrant and intuitive algorithm AND has figured out how to make money, has a brighter future than one that hopes to make you their "friend"? With that said, MZ, I enjoyed our meetings, still wish you remained private and still believe the future is bright.
Too much time has passed since the last blog to catch you up on all, but I can tell you this - our company, STiR-Communications, is experiencing tremendous growth and exciting things continue to happen. We have been working with amazing companies and wonderful people, I feel blessed every day. My A.D.D. is acting up and once again I got the itch to redesign our site and the direction of our social media. As the song goes, "See you in September."
In the meantime, if you need some STiR'ing, we would love to hear from you.
Gregory Salsburg
Miami | New York | London
c: (561) 386-8064
o: (305) 407-1723
c: (561) 386-8064
o: (305) 407-1723