- Physical (e.g., growth in height, growth in an amount of money)
- Abstract (e.g., a system becoming more complex, an organism becoming more mature)
Our dreams are never myopic. We can all clearly visualize our end results, conjure feelings of euphoria delivered by our definition of transcendent success, and even feel the breeze as we are being fanned, sprawled out on our private beach.
However, knowing how to chart the course towards that achievement and capitalize on the consequential, but often subtle “growth moments” in your life, is where the magic lies.
"Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” - Benjamin Franklin
My past week was filled with “growth moments.” I spent less time working but immersing myself into the lives of clients and friends, as well as integrating needed self-actualization.
It opened with a journalist and formidable marketer in his own right, whom I respect, asking me to explain the process of being me. More to the point the process of writing this very blog and why I felt compelled to join “the fraternity of ranting blowhards, force-feeding their pontifications upon unwilling and unsuspecting masses.” OK, he didn’t say that last part, but that’s how I felt when the focus was positioned on me. All answers provided could have been recapitulated with responding “growth.”
Introspective growth.
"Write to be understood, speak to be heard, read to grow...” - Lawrence Clark Powell
I spent personal time with an artisan baker. She has somehow been able to incorporate nirvana within bite size morsels of desserts and other baked goodness. With her legions of followers and cult-like status, she has been able to build an impressive business. She is also an entrepreneurial role model, a terrific mother and wonderful wife. So, what’s the issue?
From a business perspective, how to build the processes to handle any capacity needed? Where to expand and can the product and brand attributes remain intact? What type of business do we want to become? What is our ultimate goal? From a personal perspective, how do you give more, when you are already giving a lot? Why do we want to build? What effect and affect will this have on our family? What is our ultimate goal? Yes, that last one always needs to be placed on both regions.
Growth assessment.
"Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.” - Mark Victor Hansen
A friend and client will be named to the 2010 Inc. 5000 list this week. This is not a validation of company validity or vitality but a confirmation of tremendous growth. What an amazing accomplishment in its own right, but couple it with the fact the company was only two persons deep a little over 5 years ago and in an industry that is small and doesn’t allow for entrants to invade the sector easily, this is amazing. This growth was deliberate. Innovative processes where employed to witness these results and the growth was not made for self indulgence but for survival. This growth will be met with more growth and this company will become a behemoth.
Achievement growth.
“There are no such things as limits to growth, because there are no limits to the human capacity for intelligence, imagination, and wonder.” - Ronald Reagan
My youngest child started kindergarten this week. Although he has been in school for the past two years, this seemed more real, more monumental and a reminder you cannot squelch the inevitable. After getting him situated in his class and grappling with personal concern about his readiness to tackle the new challenges ahead, he leaned in and said, “Daddy, I think it’s time for you to go, and remember to do something good at work today.”
Personal growth.
“I'm a big believer in growth. Life is not about achievement, it's about learning and growth, and developing qualities like compassion, patience, perseverance, love, and joy, and so forth. And so if that is the case, then I think our goals should include something which stretches us.” - Jack Canfield
All my best,
Greg Salsburg
The Big STIR
Miami | New York | London
c: (561) 386-8064
o: (305) 407-1723
e: Greg@STIR-Communications.com
Great blog today! Growth is different and relative to everyone's life, and I think you hit the nail right on the head! I too was under the misconception that to grow you had to get bigger; bigger house, bigger car, more employees, etc - we learn quickly that is not the case. Growth is measured more in the quality of the results!
ReplyDeleteps -I hope you did not let your son down with regards to the task he gave you! :o)