Monday, December 13, 2010

Silence is Golden

If you’ve had the pleasure of spending even a moment with me you would think, “he’s awesome,” and I would agree. I mean, not just a little fabulous but out of your mind, hang on every word I say, unadulterated awesomeness. Not only do I know you love me, I know you need me and would be lost without me. My words - golden, actions - unequaled, thoughts - genius, friends and family - more important than yours. Where I travel, what I'm wearing, what I’m eating or whom I'm meeting with are more fabulous than who you're surrounded by. I am a pop culture deity.

Not in my wildest, narcissistic, mirror viewing moments would I believe those things above. Well, actually I do but I wouldn't project it or share it in writing to be used as future evidence. Note: I wish my Facebook friends would follow suit.

However that's exactly what a bunch of self-centered celebrities (redundancy alert) did recently. Pink, Alicia Keys, Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Kim Kardashian, Usher, and others, vowed to stop using social networking sites Twitter and Facebook until fans donated one million dollars to Alicia Key’s charity, Keep A Child Alive. You already know I sit on the board of two charities so I'm all about giving but this is ridiculous and poorly conceived. They believed by refusing to post 140 characters of dribble they were somehow depriving you of crucial life altering information that you would demand AND be willing to pay for them to return. Seriously. Seriously?

Well thank gosh my faith for humanity was restored, when almost a week into this project less than half of the funds were raised (if anyone reading this was a contributor now is that time to hit that unsubscribe button). At that point, a wealthy philanthropist / entrepreneur matched the funds donated and the project came to a close.

I would have liked to raise the funds to keep them silent in perpetuity. That's a charity I would support. Unfortunately, muzzled and about to experience internal human combustion, they band together and found a friend to kick in the rest. (With friends like that who needs enemies?)

Now the world will be treated again with such special nuggets as:
  • I think a brilliant mind is the sexiest thing EVERRRR!!!! ;-) Ok time to go nite nite.... @aliciakeys
  • I soooo want to get picked up by the cash cab .... @kimkardashian
As much as I hated the concept, I am succumbing. Starting immediately, I will be taking donations in any amount for my “Digital Death” to stop blogging! Something tells me they will be pouring in …

Gregory Salsburg
Miami | New York | London
c: (561) 386-8064
o: (305) 407-1723

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